· 7 min read

Insert a PDF File into Latex

Learn how to seamlessly insert a PDF file into a LaTeX document with detailed steps and code examples. This guide covers different methods, error handling, and best practices to ensure smooth integration.

Learn how to seamlessly insert a PDF file into a LaTeX document with detailed steps and code examples. This guide covers different methods, error handling, and best practices to ensure smooth integration.

LaTeX, a powerful typesetting system, is widely used in academia and industry for creating technical and scientific documentation. One common requirement is to insert a PDF file into a LaTeX document, either as a figure or as a full page. This can be particularly useful for including scanned documents, charts, or other types of pre-prepared content.

In this article, I’ll explain the various methods to insert a PDF file into a LaTeX document, provide detailed steps for each method, and discuss error handling and best practices to ensure seamless integration.

Inserting a PDF file into a LaTeX document can be achieved using several packages and methods, each suited for different scenarios. The methods include:

  1. Using the pdfpages package - Best for inserting full pages of a PDF.
  2. Using the graphicx package - Ideal for inserting a PDF as an image or a part of a page.
  3. Combining pdfpages and graphicx - Useful for more control and customization.
  4. Using the attachfile package - Ideal for attaching a PDF file to your document for readers to download.
  5. Using the media9 package - Best for embedding and viewing a PDF directly within the LaTeX document for an interactive experience.

Each method has its advantages and disadvantages, which will be discussed to help you choose the best one for your needs.

Inserting PDF into Latex Using the pdfpages Package

The pdfpages package is specifically designed for inserting full pages of a PDF document into your LaTeX file. This method is ideal when you want to embed an entire document, such as an appendix or a full report, without any alterations to its content.

To learn more, including installation instructions and detailed usage, visit the pdfpages CTAN page.

Steps to Insert PDF Using pdfpages

  1. Install the Package: Ensure the pdfpages package is installed. It is included in most LaTeX distributions by default.

  2. Include the Package: Add the pdfpages package to your LaTeX document’s preamble.

  3. Insert the PDF: Use the \includepdf command to insert the PDF. You can specify the pages to include and their placement.

    • pages={1-3}: Specifies which pages to include. You can use a range (1-3), individual pages (1,3,5), or all pages (-).
    • path/to/your/file.pdf: Replace with the actual path to your PDF file.

Error Handling

  • File Not Found: If the PDF file is not found, LaTeX will produce an error. Ensure the file path is correct and that the PDF file is accessible.
  • Missing Pages: If you specify pages that do not exist in the PDF, LaTeX will return an error. Double-check the page numbers.
  • Compatibility Issues: Some older versions of LaTeX might not support the pdfpages package. Ensure your LaTeX distribution is up to date.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Simple to use and set upLimited control over individual page layout
Ideal for full-page PDF insertsCannot customize content within the PDF
Supports inclusion of multiple pages at onceRequires entire PDF to be loaded

Inserting PDF into Latex Using the graphicx Package

The graphicx package is commonly used for inserting images into a LaTeX document but can also be used to insert PDF files. This method is suitable for embedding a single page or a portion of a PDF as an image, allowing you to place it alongside text or other content.

To learn more, including installation instructions and detailed usage, visit the graphix CTAN page.

Steps to Insert PDF Using graphicx

  1. Install the Package: Ensure the graphicx package is installed. Like pdfpages, it is typically included in standard LaTeX distributions.

  2. Include the Package: Add the graphicx package to your document’s preamble.

  3. Insert the PDF: Use the \includegraphics command to insert the PDF. You can specify the scale and rotation as needed.

    • width=\textwidth: Scales the PDF to the width of the text. You can adjust this to fit your needs (e.g., width=0.5\textwidth for half the text width).
    • path/to/your/file.pdf: Replace with the path to your PDF file.
  4. Specify the Page (Optional): If you only want to include a specific page from a multi-page PDF, use the page option.


    This example inserts only the second page of the PDF.

Error Handling

  • File Not Found: Similar to pdfpages, ensure the file path is correct and accessible.
  • Page Not Specified: If a page is not specified, LaTeX will default to the first page of the PDF.
  • Scaling Issues: Incorrect scaling may cause the image to overflow the text area. Adjust the width and height parameters to fit the layout.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Provides more control over layout and sizeOnly suitable for inserting single pages
Can be used alongside other images or contentMore complex setup for multi-page documents
Allows for scaling and rotating the PDFNo direct support for including multiple pages

Inserting PDF into Latex using pdfpages and graphicx

Combining pdfpages and graphicx is useful when you want to insert multiple pages of a PDF document but need control over the size and placement of each page. This hybrid approach offers flexibility and precision in presentation.

Steps to Insert PDF Using Both Packages

  1. Include Both Packages: Add both pdfpages and graphicx to your document’s preamble.

  2. Insert the PDF: Use pdfpages to include the PDF, and graphicx to control the placement.

    \caption{Sample PDF inclusion}
    • This example inserts the first page using pdfpages and then places the same or another page using graphicx with a caption.

Error Handling

  • Overlapping Content: When combining these methods, there is a risk of content overlapping. Ensure proper page breaks and placement to avoid conflicts.
  • Package Conflicts: Rarely, these packages might conflict with other LaTeX packages. Test thoroughly if you are using many packages.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Provides maximum control over layoutMore complex to set up and maintain
Suitable for detailed customizationIncreased risk of overlapping or layout issues
Combines the benefits of both packagesRequires understanding of both packages

Inserting PDF into LaTeX Using the attachfile Package

The attachfile package allows you to attach a file, such as a PDF, directly to a LaTeX document. This method is useful when you want to embed a PDF for readers to download, rather than display it within the document.

To learn more, including installation instructions and detailed usage, visit the attachfile CTAN page.

Steps to Attach a PDF Using attachfile:

  1. Install the Package: Ensure the attachfile package is installed.

  2. Attach the PDF: Use the \attachfile command to link the PDF.

    Here is the attached document: \attachfile{path/to/your/file.pdf}
    • path/to/your/file.pdf: Replace with the actual file path.

Error Handling:

  • File Not Found: Ensure the file path is correct.
  • Compatibility: Some PDF readers may not support file attachments; inform users if required.

Advantages and Disadvantages:

Allows users to download the PDFDoes not display the PDF inline
Simple to useDependent on PDF viewer functionality

Inserting PDF into LaTeX Using the media9 Package

The media9 package is designed for embedding multimedia files, including PDFs, into LaTeX documents. This method is ideal when you want the PDF to be embedded and viewable directly in the PDF output, offering a more interactive experience.

To learn more, including installation instructions and detailed usage, visit the media9 CTAN page.

Steps to Embed a PDF Using media9:

  1. Install the Package: Ensure the media9 package is installed.

  2. Embed the PDF: Use the \includemedia command to embed the PDF file.

    • width and height: Adjust these to control the size of the embedded PDF.
    • path/to/your/file.pdf: Replace with the file path.

Error Handling:

  • File Not Found: Ensure the file path is correct.
  • Compatibility: The embedded PDF might not work in all PDF readers, especially if they do not support multimedia features.

Advantages and Disadvantages:

Embeds PDF directly into the documentLimited compatibility with some PDF readers
Interactive experience for usersRequires additional LaTeX setup


Inserting a PDF into a LaTeX document can be straightforward or complex, depending on your needs. The pdfpages package is perfect for full-page inserts, while the graphicx package offers flexibility for embedding PDFs as images. Combining both packages provides the ultimate control over the appearance and placement of PDF content.

Choosing the right method depends on the specific requirements of your document. Consider the layout, number of pages, and level of customization needed. Proper error handling, such as checking file paths and ensuring compatible LaTeX versions, will help you avoid common issues and ensure a smooth integration process.

By following the methods and best practices outlined in this guide, you can effectively insert and manage PDF content within your LaTeX documents, enhancing the versatility and professionalism of your work.

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